St. Louis Graffiti wall
"Life is what you make it.
So what do you make of it?
What is your legacy? Will
you make a difference? What
Will you be remembered at all?
Every day you make an impact
whether you acknowledge it or
not. Each day you shape your self
& the work through your choices
make them good ones. each day
we lead by example. Where are
you leading those around you? is
it to feast or famine? is it through
love or hate? Do you do what you love?
If not wy not? fear of failure
other peoples Judgment?
Only you can give the gift you
have been given. brought here to
deliver you can chose to shine
or fade away, the choice is yours."
~artist Unknown.
I photographed this spot on the St. Louis graffiti wall March 1st 2020.